Suffer A Food Allergy In A Restaurant? Signs You Need To See A Personal Injury Attorney

If you have food allergies, you need to be careful where you eat. Even a small amount of a certain food can trigger Anaphylactic shock. When you prepare your food at home, you can control the ingredients. You can also control the way your food gets prepped. Unfortunately, you don't have that type of control when you eat at a restaurant. That's why you depend on the staff to protect you from food-related allergic reactions. If you've had an allergic reaction at a restaurant, you need to talk to a personal injury attorney right away. If you're not sure you have a case, read the list below. If any of those issues pertain to your situation, call a personal injury attorney near you. You could have a personal injury claim against the restaurant. 

They Didn't Have Posted Warnings

If you suffered an allergic reaction while dining in a restaurant, check the windows. Restaurants should post food allergy warnings in public areas. This is especially true where shellfish, nuts, and wheat are concerned. The warning should state that food could come in contact with shellfish or peanuts. If you don't see any signs in the restaurant where you suffered a food allergy emergency, talk to a personal injury attorney. You may have a personal injury claim. 

They Didn't Provide Ingredient Lists

If you went into Anaphylactic shock while eating at a restaurant, look at the menu. Menus should contain ingredient lists. That's especially true for options that contain things like milk, nuts, or wheat. Menus should also contain warnings about food preparation risks. This is beneficial when restaurants use peanut oil in their recipes. If the restaurant doesn't have any warnings on their menus, talk to a personal injury attorney right away.  

They Didn't Document the Allergies 

When you have food allergies, you need to let your server know ahead of time. That way, they can document the allergy on your ticket. If you suffered Anaphylactic shock because your server didn't document your allergies, you need to get legal help right away. Servers have an obligation to let the food prep team know when a customer has food allergies. 

They Didn't Separate the Ingredients

When you suffer from food-related allergies, you can't afford to take chances with food prep. You can suffer an allergic reaction if the food you eat comes in contact with allergens. That's why restaurants should separate high-allergy foods like shellfish, nuts, and eggs. If you suffered an allergic reaction because the restaurant didn't separate their ingredients properly, speak to a personal injury lawyer near you.

About Me

A Little Legal Know-how Helps Everyone in Life

When I was a child and people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always told them I wanted to be a lawyer. I even followed an attorney one day during a school job shadowing experience. I really found the law interesting, and my favorite shows to watch were, and still are, court shows. However, when it came time to choose a major in college, I chose another career path that I now enjoy. However, I still love law and do some legal research on a regular basis just for fun. I decided that it would be a shame to let all of my legal knowledge "go to waste" by not sharing it with others, so I decided to start a blog to share my legal tips on along with some interesting legal cases and stories. I hope you come back often!



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