Being involved in a car accident is scary. If anyone was injured, it can be downright terrifying. If you are able, you will probably get out of the vehicle and try to access the damage and check the status of anyone else involved while dialing 911 for help. While you are not worried about who was at fault, and may not even be aware of how the accident occurred, there are two other phone calls you should make: to your insurance company and a car accident lawyer. The insurance company is an obvious call. Here are just a few reasons you need to call a car accident attorney.
1. Determining Fault
When the police get there, they are going to determine who was at fault for the accident. You may not have been at fault at all, may be partially to blame, or you may be completely at fault. Having an attorney or their representative present can be important if there to help minimize the amount of blame that is placed on you. They can investigate the scene, speak with witnesses, and observe the way the police handle things. If they find something is off, they can bring it up in court.
2. Mediating Insurance
Your lawyer will also work with the insurance companies to determine which party and company are responsible for the different damages and injuries from the accident. If the insurance coverage is not enough to pay all the bills, an attorney will be necessary to help keep you from having to pay the rest out of your pocket. This is especially important when you are found to be at fault.
Another part of mediating with the insurance companies is making sure any medical situations are handled properly. Your lawyer will make sure that any injuries sustained in the accident will be paid for by the proper insurance company. This will include any future bills that may occur after the case has been settled.
Regardless of whether you are at fault or not, you should have some type of legal representation for any motor vehicle accident. Contact someone as soon as possible after the accident and be sure to do as they say. You do not want to do or say anything that could implicate yourself. Your emotional state may have you believe you caused the crash when that is not so. Let your lawyer handle things.