While some couples struggle to get pregnant on their own, this doesn't mean that all hope is lost. There are so many amazing medical breakthroughs today that allow couples to have a baby when they otherwise wouldn't have been able to. Three ways that a couple can now have a baby is through surrogacy, egg donation, and embryo donation. While these methods are amazing and can be very successful, they also involve one or more people who are not the couple seeking to be parents. Because of this, it is very important that all legal matters are accounted for and taken care of. The best way to do this is going to be to hire a fertility lawyer to help you deal with and complete all legal work so that you can move forward with having a baby. This article will discuss how a fertility lawyer can help you complete all legal matters when it comes to surrogacy and egg donation.
One way that you can have a precious baby is through surrogacy. This involves placing you and your spouse's sperm and egg inside of another woman who will carry and deliver your baby for you. This process is a wonderful one, but since another human being is involved, it is very important that all legal work is done to ensure that both you and your surrogate are protected. You will work with your fertility lawyer to have all agreements signed that you and your spouse are the rightful parents of the child and you will also sign legal documents agreeing that you will pay all of the medical expenses for your surrogate. On the other hand, your surrogate will also sign legal documents agreeing to these terms, as well as others that are specific to them.
Egg Donation
Another medical procedure that allows couples to have a child is when an egg is donated from another woman, and this egg is then combined with the husband's sperm and implanted into his wife. There are many legal matters that come into play when this is done because you are dealing with another woman's egg. First and foremost, the woman who donates the egg will sign legal documents agreeing that she has donated the egg and has no claim on it whatsoever. It is also legally required that the woman who donates the egg undergoes testing to ensure that she is in good health and has a good medical history. You can also request further testing of the woman if you feel it is necessary. Legally, the woman may also be obligated to tell you of later medical conditions that she develops that may affect your child as they grow older. Having a fertility lawyer for this process allows you to get all of these legal matters taken care of and also helps you to know what your rights are and what to expect.
For more information, visit a site like http://www.janssenlawoffice.com.